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In this section
2024.8.26. Zhiyuan’s paper, “Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Fibril Catalyzes Amyloid-β Aggregation by Promoting Fibril Nucleation Rather than Direct Axial Growth”, is now accepted for publication in an Elsevier journal: International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Congratulations to Zhiyuan and all co-authors!
2024.7.23. Adam’s first first-authored research paper is now accepted for publication in ACS Chemical Neuroscience. Congratulations to Adam!
2024.3.29. Adam is the recipient of 2024 Goldwater scholarship. Congratulations to Adam! well done!
2024.1.18. Our joint study with Dr. David Leong at National University of Singapore and Dr. Pu-Chun Ke at Monash University, “Endothelial leakiness elicited by amyloid protein aggregation”, is now published in Nature Communications.
2023. 8.31. Our study on the direct observation of single-molecular fibril growth of IAPP fibrils with different morphologies in silico, first authored by Gangtong Huang, is now accepted for publication in JCIM. Congrats to Mr. Gangtong Huang!
2023. 8.15. Our joint paper with Dr. Pu-Chun Ke and Dr. Guotao Peng groups, entitled “Spike Protein Fragments Promote Alzheimers Amyloidogenesis”, is now published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
2022.9.14. It is official! We just got awarded another 5-year R35 – Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA R35GM145409) – from NIGMS.
2022.8.13. Our joint work with Dr. Pu Chun Ke on nanoplastic particles causing vascular endothelial leakage, entitled “Anionic Nanoplastic Exposure Induces Endothelial Leakiness”, is now published in Nature Communications. Congratulations to the team!
2022.7.11. Our collaborative paper with Prof. Yunxiang Sun’s group on the microphase separation of suckerin self-assembly is now accepted for publication in Small. Congratulations to Prof. Sun!
2022.6.3. Nadav Benhamou Goldfajn, an NSF REU student worked in the lab last summer, published his first first-author paper in ACS Chemical Neuroscience on the sub-stoichiometric inhibition of amylin aggregation by insulin. Congratulations to Nadav!
2021.11.16. Yanting Xing successfully defended her PhD thesis today. Congratulations to Dr. Xing!
2021.7.21. “A Framework of Paracellular Transport via Nanoparticles-Induced Endothelial Leakiness”, co-authored by Myeongsang and Huayuan, is now accepted for publication in Advanced Science. Congratulations to the collaborative team!
2021.3.5. “Spontaneous Formation of β-sheet Nano-barrels during the Early Aggregation of Alzheimer’s Amyloid Beta”, a joint work by Clemson, Monash University, Ningbo University, and Southwest University, is now accepted for publication in Nano Today. Congratulations to Yunxiang and the collaborative team!
2020.12.24. “Amyloid Aggregation under the Lens of Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation”, first authored by Yanting, is now in press in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter. Congratulations to Yanting, who also became a new mother recently!
2020.2.10. “Thermo- and pH-Responsive Fibrillization of Squid Suckerin A1H1 Peptide”, first authored by Yunxiang, is now accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations to Yunxiang, now an Associate Professor of Physics at Ningbo University!
2019.9.16. “Graphene quantum dots rescue protein dysregulation of pancreatic β-cells exposed to human islet amyloid polypeptide”, coauthored by Yunxiang, is now accepted for publication in Nano Research. Congratulations to Yunxiang and the collaboration team!
2019.8.28. “Single-molecular hetero-amyloidosis of human islet amyloid polypeptide”, co-authored by Yanting and Yunxiang, is now accepted for publication in Nano Letter. Congratulations!
2019.8.4. Our collaborative work, “Inhibition of Amyloid Beta Toxicity in Zebrafish with A Chaperone-Gold Nanoparticle Dual Strategy”, is now accepted for publication in Nature Communications. Congratulations to Yanting and the team!
2019.5.28. The work “Amphiphilic Surface Chemistry of Fullerenols Is Necessary for Inhibiting the Amyloid Aggregation of Alpha-Synuclein NACore” first authored by Yunxiang Sun is now accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations to Yunxiang!
2019.4.26. Our jointed review paper with Drs. Thomas Davis and Pu Chun Ke on “Mitigation of Amyloidosis with Nanomaterials” is accepted for publication in Advanced Materials. Congratulations to Yunxiang!
2019.3.1. Our work on the aggregation of hIAPP8-20 via accumulation of helical oligomers, alpha-helix-to-beta-sheet transition, and beta-barrel intermediates has been accepted for publication in Small and featured as the inside Cover article. Congratulations to Yunxiang and Yanting!
2018.12.1. Combining both experiments and simulations, we showed that the early aggregation of full-length hIAPP features the accumulation of helix-rich oligomers, among which the nucleation of beta-rich structures and beta-barrels takes place. The work first authored by Yunxiang is now published in BBA – Molecular Basis of Disease.
2018.10.20. Our joint work with Monash University, Tongji University, and Qingdao University on inhibiting hIAPP aggregation and toxicity with Graphene Quantum Dots is accepted for publication in Nanoscale. Congratulations to Dr. Yunxiang Sun!
2018.10.1 Our combined computational and experimental work about the effects of Chiral Silica Nanoribbons on hIAPP aggregation is in press with Small. Congratulations to Dr. Yunxiang Sun and the collaboration team!
2018.9.15. Our joint work with Dr. Hugo Sannabria and Dr. Mark Bowen on identifying the weakly populated conformational states of PDZ1-2 of PSD-95 are published in Nature Comm. Congratulations to Bo!
2018.5.10. Our joint work with ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology in Australia and University of Warwick in UK on serum protein binding with hIAPP amyloid fibrils – i.e., the formation of amyloid corona – is published in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Yanting!
2018.1.29. Our work on uncovering the molecular mechanism of the cross-talk between Alzheimer’s disease and type-2 diabetes is now in press with ACS Chemical Neuroscience. Congratulations to Xinwei, Yang Ye and Yunxiang!
2017.10.17. Our joint work with Monash University (Australia) entitled “Star Polymers Reduce IAPP Toxicity via Accelerated Amyloid Aggregation” is now accepted for publication in Biomacromolecules. Congratulations to Xinwei and Bo!
2017.10.1. Yunxiang’s paper on the Oligomerization and Fibrillization dynamics of peptides is accepted for publication in PCCP, where the aggregation free energy landscape is directly visualized!
Congratulations to Yunxiang!
2017.7.25. Our review entitled “Modulating protein amyloid aggregation with nanomaterials” is now accepted for publication in ES Nano. Congratulations to Bo and Yunxiang!
2017.7.19. Our work on the endogenous inhibition of IAPP aggregation in pancreatic beta-cells, first authored by Xinwei, is now accepted for publication in Chem. Comm. The work is also featured as the front cover article. Congratulations to Xinwei!
2017.6.26. Our review paper “NanoEHS beyond toxicity – focusing on biocorona” has been selected as the front cover article by Environmental Science: Nano.
2017.5.15. Dr. Ding receives the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from College of Science, Clemson.
2017.2.24. Bo Wang is awarded outstanding graduate researcher by both the department and the new College of Science. Congratulations to Bo!